Problem building koffice on an 64bit opensuse 11.0

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Tue Sep 9 00:11:25 CEST 2008

On Friday 05 September 2008, Michael Jansen wrote:

> Since some time i have a link failure when compiling koffice.

which koffice is that? I've been building it just fine on 64bit opensuse 11.0 
(from svn trunk)

> The problem is that cmake correctly find the opengl lib under
> /usr/lib64/ The message from cmake and CMakeCache.txt both show
> this path. All Makefiles are correct too. For some unknown reason the
> link.txt and relink.txt files contain -lGL instead. That fails because
> /usr/lib64 is not added with - L .

Do you have Mesa-devel installed from x86_64? it looks like you're either 
missing Mesa-devel or you have the Mesa-devel-32bit installed. can you paste 
rpm -qa Mesa\* please?


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