cmake 2.6.2 now required - changes in handling shared libs

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Fri Nov 28 22:43:07 CET 2008

On Friday 28 November 2008, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> On Thursday 27 November 2008 15:02:54 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > Exporting targets is only useful if you install shared libs which should
> > be used by other projects. Is that the case for you ?
> >
> > Alex
> Sigcore is a shared library that is also in my project. It's a game engine,
> so it may or may not me used by other projects, but if it is, these
> libraries handle the loading and saving of the game data. The sigcore and
> sigmod directories are siblings, so I'm not sure how to export the sigcore
> target without installing sigcore (or hacking around to find where the

Why don't you want to install sigcore ?
You install sigmod, and sigmod seems to link to sigcore, so you should also 
install sigcore.

Can you please explain a bit more ?


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