
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Nov 15 07:52:25 CET 2008

On 14.11.08 16:18:31, Johannes Manhave wrote:
> I've been having problems compiling anything that uses QCA2 in kde
> trunk, using genkdesvn on gentoo.
> I spoke about it with one of the devs from there and he came up with this:
> <@zlin> ok, the problem is there is a name space conflict
> <@zlin> pkg_check_modules(QCA2 qca2) marks QCA2_LIBRARIES as INTERNAL
> and assigns a list of libraries to it
> <@zlin> FIND_LIBRARY(QCA2_LIBRARIES NAMES qca ...) was supposed to
> mark it as a FILEPATH and assign a path to it
> <@zlin> but apparently fails because it already exists with a different type
> <@zlin> one solution is to change QCA2 in the pkg_check_modules call.
> another is to use a different variable name in FIND_LIBRARY and in
> ./ktorrent/libbtcore/CMakeLists.txt
> <@zlin> someone who isn't me should take this issue upstream

Why is it a problem that find_library "doesn't do anything"?
pkg_check_modules tries to find the libraries and if its successful those
libraries should be used. If not there's a fallback using find_library.

So whats the exact error message you get? Also post your CMakeCache.txt and
the relevant CMakeLists.txt (or at least provide a websvn link).


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