cmake 2.6.2 now required - changes in handling shared libs

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Nov 13 09:12:03 CET 2008

[moving to just kde-buildsystem]

On 12.11.08 22:44:22, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 November 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 11.11.08 01:00:50, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> ...
> > > # No changes so far, but the next line is new.
> > > # It specifies to which libraries other targets will be linked which
> > > # link to libkfoo. By default these are all libraries kfoo links against,
> > > # which can lead to some unnecessary dependencies, slower startup, etc.
> > > # So we now specifiy which "link interface" the library kfoo has, ZLIB
> > > # is used only internally, so users of kfoo don't have to link against
> > > it:
> >
> > So whats the plan with trunk/KDE now, who is supposed to check all the
> > modules 
> I did kdelibs and will check kdepimlibs soon. I think these two modules should 
> be most important ones, the other modules have less libraries, so the issue 
> is somewhat smaller there.
> > and adjust the link-interface if needed?
> I think Dirk did already most of the required work, it "just" has to be 
> adapted and enabled now.
> He added the target property LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES more or less everywhere 
> AFAIK. This has to be changed from the target property to the modified 
> target_link_libraries( ...  LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES ... ) command.
> If somebody else feels like doing this, I'm happy :-)

Actually I found out that I did it wrong :) I added the
LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES in the first target_link_libraries where all the
needed libs for kdevplatforminterfaces are listed. So "all hell broke
loose" and nothing linked anymore. After introducing a new separate line
for that it looked a lot better.

So basically I just need to sit down and check which libs need to be in
LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES and then adjust the cmake-files accordingly.

Am I right that any symbol/class used in external API means the library
providing that symbol should be in the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES?


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