CMake Find Modules, HINTS, and NO_DEFAULT_PATH

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Wed Jun 11 00:40:43 CEST 2008

On Monday 09 June 2008, Brad King wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> The solution I've committed to CMake HEAD in CVS is to distinguish
> "hint" paths from "guess" paths.  For compatibility the PATHS option
> must continue to mean "guess".  I've added a new HINTS option that is
> interpreted as "hint" paths.  This allows the above code to be written
>   find_library(FOO_LIB foo HINTS ${BAR_TOLD_ME_FOO_MIGHT_BE_HERE})
> The provided hint is preferred over system locations but not over the
> cmake-specific user environment variables or cache entries.  I've
> already converted most of the Find* modules provided by CMake to take
> advantage of this feature.

Nice :-)
Minor nitpicking: how about naming that "PREFERRED_PATHS" instead of "HINTS" ?
This may make the meaning even clearer without having to read the docs.


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