Getting rid of the LIB_INSTALL_DIR hack on windows

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at
Fri Jan 25 17:55:45 CET 2008

Brad King schrieb:
> Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
>> install(TARGETS kfoo kbar USE_PROPERTIES foo)
>> where foo contains all informations about the install locations?
> How is this different from
>   install(TARGETS kfoo kbar ${foo_INSTALL_RULES})
> which you can do right now?
Sorry for the late answer.
It's a good question - afaik it wasn't accepted because this would mean
that all CMakeLists.txt had to be modified and maintained. --> it would
not work when someone forgets to use ${foo_INSTALL_RULES} , but that's
the same for the new suggestion.

I really don't recall why the others did not like this idea.


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