[Kde-pim] Move FindKdeSubversion to *libs.

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Sun Feb 10 17:47:36 CET 2008

On Saturday 09 February 2008 16:37:37 Tom Albers wrote:
> Hi,
> Can we move FindKdeSubversion.cmake to kdepimlibs ?

If we expect to need it in kdepimlibs, then yes.

> Or even better kdelibs
> - but that means we need to keep a copy somewhere.

since we need to stay build-able to kdelibs 4.0, then moving
isn't an option.  and copying isn't a good option either.

Ideally, we'd have something like this in CMake itself.
Someone needs to make a request on the CMake bug tracker
and eventually... 

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