Installed tests

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jun 18 16:22:35 CEST 2007

On 18.06.07 14:31:09, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems my changes did have an unfortunate impact on installed tests.
> Two users reported an installing problem with kdelibs on IRC and it
> seems the problem is that knotifytest in knotify/test is installed. The
> problem is that the install() commands in the CMakeLists.txt are not
> guarded anymore.
> The question is: How do we want to handle this? With the guard the test
> can only be installed if -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=on was given, but the test
> can be built by running make <testname> nonetheless. Thats confusing
> IMHO. However it seems without the guards the make install fails because
> the .ui file is not processed (at least thats what is happening). 
> So what shall be done with this (I think there might be other ocassions
> where installed tests are used).

Ok, I could reproduce this now locally with a clean build dir. The
problem seems to be that ui-generation is not triggered when doing a
make install (which triggers the build of the knotifytest executable).
I'm not sure however if this is actually wanted, IMHO the installation
should only be done if the target is already built, but I don't know if
thats possible to check with cmake.



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