automoc v2

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Fri Jul 13 06:18:03 CEST 2007

Hi Matthias,

On Thursday 12 July 2007 05:18, Matthias Kretz wrote:
> Yes, the custom target simply had a dependency on the main target. Does
> cmake figure out the dependencies for the target at make time? Because

No, at cmake time.

> otherwise renaming a header file would have the same effect only that it's
> the .cpp which included the header file before would now be named as the
> offender.
> There are two downsides of using a custom target:
> a) a lot of I/O at cmake time
> b) the automoc target is not remade on /fast
> The current setup still has one dependency problem though: make doesn't
> know that the .moc includes in the .cpp files are generated by creating the
> _automoc.cpp file and therefore does not wait for kde4automoc to finish

Does this mean parallel builds are broken ? This would be a serious problem.

> before compiling the other sources. By making the automoc a custom target
> that can be fixed because then all of the target depends on the automoc. Is
> there another way?

I don't see another way right now.

> ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET target PRE_BUILD ...) doesn't work :-(

Yes, as the docs state this is not possible for makefiles.

> > For the mocing headers which are not included via automoc...
> > I understand correctly that this is currently done for headers where a
> > corresponding source file is listed as source ?
> > I think doing this is not a good idea. While this will work in most
> > cases, it will not work if there are headers which have no corresponding
> > .cpp file and which are not automoced. While this is probably a rare
> > case, it still will not work and will be hard to debug ("it works for
> > most headers,but some headers are not moced, what am I doing wrong ?").
> > I suggest to parse only files for "include ...moc..." or "Q_OBJECT" which
> > have been listed as source file, i.e. if there are headers which are not
> > automoced then they have to be listed as sources. This will make it
> > easier to understand how moc is handled. Then we also don't need
> I still think adding headers to the list of sources of a target is awkward
> and not at all self-explanatory. Adding headers to a macro that has moc in
> the name says so much more.

You could also see it this way, that the KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE/LIBRARY etc. 
macros just handle moc completely automatically, you just have to list all 
the files you care about.

How about that: we get rid of automoc completely, i.e. no need anymore to put 
the "include foo.moc" in any file, but we just scan all interesting files 
for "Q_OBJECT" and if found, moc them.
Ah, well, this would increase build time, since the moc files would be 
compiled separately. I guess this wasn't a good idea.

It's just, KDE4_MOC_HEADERS(target file1 file2 ...) is so similar to 
QT4_WRAP_CPP(srcsList file1 file2 ...)and doesn't actually do something 
different in effect, you specify files which you want to have moced, once 
with a target and once with a list.

KDE4_MOC_HEADERS(kfoo widget1.h widget2.h)

Is basically almost identical to this: 

SET(SRCS ${SRCS} widget1.h widget2.h)

There is also the issue that with KDE4_MOC_HEADERS() you can use a target name 
before you add the target, which while this is actually the purpose, is 
different to all other cmake commands.

> > A more generic note:
> > I wanted to keep the buildsystem for KDE4 easy to understand with generic
> > cmake knowledge. A lot of things have been done since then and not
> > everything is as straight forward as it was in the beginning, e.g. RPATH
> > and other things. Now we moved automoc into an external tool
> > (kde4automoc.cmake), and now we are about to move a part of it into an
> > executable which is build as part of kdelibs. I also already thought
> > about turning it somehow into a binary. It should also be possible to
> > write a cmake command which can be loaded as plugin by cmake itself. Buth
> > then again I thought this makes the build to hard to understand...
> On IRC I heard that kde4automoc.cmake was complete magic to somebody. OTOH

I can understand that, I just wanted to note that I'm a bit concerned that 
it's getting quite complicated.
If the tool kde4automoc would be written without Qt, e.g. STL only, then this 
could theoretically also be used to build Qt itself...

> The problem is probably more to understand what happens at cmake time and
> what at make time...
> > Third point: maybe we can write a cmake command plugin which does a lot
> > of the handling for all kde4 targets (i.e.
> > kde4_check_executable_params(), kde4_handle_automoc(),
> > kde4_create_final_files() ), so a lot of the string-vector conversions
> > would fall away.
> That might be interesting IMO. 

I've never done that and I'm not really sure what is required to build such a 
command. I'll give it a try when I find time.

> We should just provide one file that documents where to find a given 

Huh ?
All macros starting with KDE4_ are in KDE4Macros.cmake, and all macros being 
in KDE4Macros.cmake should start with KDE4.
This kind of namespacing should be used for all cmake module files.

Performance tip:
LIST(APPEND srcs widget.h)
is for large lists much faster than
SET(srcs ${srcs} widget.h)


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