how to build generated sources in parallel with out linking them together?

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Wed Feb 21 15:02:33 CET 2007


coolo and I are wondering how to add a custom target, that when invoked, 
builds a lot of generated sources (consisting of a couple of custom compile 
defines and an include statement) in parallel (up to the usual make -j 
parallelism level) and does not link them together (because linking does not 

any idea how to do that with cmake?

we've tried to define sources and add_executable (which however links and does 
not work), and we've tried to add a custom target that depends on the object 
files (which does not work because the object fiels are not compiled) and 
we've tried checkcxxsourcecompiles (which does not work because it is not 
done parallel). 

So... ?


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