OpenGL vs. Qt4 OpenGL

Michael Pyne mpyne at
Mon Dec 17 23:35:01 CET 2007

On Thursday 13 December 2007, Allen Winter wrote:
> What is that I find in my qt-copy/lib?
> And how does it differ from /usr/lib/ that I also find on my
> system? is the library that implements the Qt OpenGL module support.  
i.e. QGLWidget and its related code.

/usr/lib/ is the OpenGL library itself.  i.e. the C language library 
which provides the OpenGL graphics primitives.  Qt's OpenGL module uses this 
library to provide OpenGL support.

> kpat links against ${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY}, which points to
> qt-copy/lib/

As it should.

> should we permit stuff to build against QT_QTOPENGL?
> so far, the only instance I've seen of this is in kpat

Yes, this should be allowed.

Basically, Qt's OpenGL module depends on the system  An application 
could conceivably use in addition to Qt's support (i.e. Qt's 
QGLWidget is useful but doesn't expose enough of the OpenGL API) or instead 
of Qt's support.

But is required in all cases, either directly by the application or 
indirectly through Qt's OpenGL module.

 - Michael Pyne
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