Compiling KDE on OSX10.3 with gcc 3.3

Marijn Kruisselbrink m.kruisselbrink at
Wed Apr 4 16:52:44 CEST 2007

While trying to make kdelibs compile on OSX 10.3 with gcc 3.3, I 
encountered a few problems:

When linking almost any executable (a few executables link fine), I get 
a linking error which can be fixed by adding '-framework Foundation' to 
the link line. (the error I'm getting is "ld: /usr/lib/crt1.o illegal 
reference to symbol: __objcInit defined in indirectly referenced dynamic 
library /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib").
Since I'm not sure what causes this problem, the only fix I can think of 
is to somehow check if gcc 3.3 on OSX is being used, and if it is the 
case link to Foundation. I guess a cleaner solution would be to check by 
compiling some small program if this is required, but I haven't been 
able to construct a small program that fails linking...
Anybody got any clever ideas on how to resolve this?

Another (more easy to fix) problem is caused by a bug in the cmath 
include file provided by apple. The file #undef's various math functions 
such as isnan/isinf without redefining them as functions unless 
_GLIBCPP_USE_C99 is set. This could probably be fixed by checking if a 
program using cmath and std::isnan failes to compile (while it would 
compile with math.h), and if so define _GLIBCPP_USE_C99 in config.h?

Thanks, Marijn Kruisselbrink

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