kde4_automoc change (need help)

David Faure faure at kde.org
Fri May 12 10:16:16 CEST 2006

On Friday 12 May 2006 00:25, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 May 2006 15:00, David Faure wrote:
> > I want to implement "Q_OBJECT in .cpp file and no .h file at all, and .cpp
> > includes .moc" support in kde4_automoc, for unit tests. Would be much more
> > convenient than having to write a .h file for each, and by having the "no
> > header file" condition there we avoid grepping both .h and .cpp for
> > Q_OBJECT in all cases, which might slow things down.
> How about using Qt4_WRAP_CPP() ?
> Usage:
> set(mySrcs foo.cpp widget.cpp main.cpp)
> qt4_wrap_cpp(mySrcs widget.cpp) # <- all files which have to be moc'ed.

I don't understand the name of that function. What's different between qt4_automoc(foo.cpp) and qt4_wrap_cpp(foo.cpp)?

> ... would also not make automoc yet slower.

Well you can see that the new code only runs when the .h doesn't exist,
which is a very rare case. But ok.

> Isn't it matched ?
Oh it's definitely matched.
I checked that it goes to the right code path of course.

> Hmm, strange.
> I'll have a closer look later.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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