msvc: qHash

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at
Thu May 11 18:36:49 CEST 2006

David Faure wrote:
> I'm confused. This file doesn't use QHash/QSet at all, so why is a QHash implementation needed?
> Is it due to some other file hashing KSortableItems?

Yes, compiling stops there because it couldn't find a qHash function with the correct argument.

> In fact I'm wondering if we really need KSortable[Value]List with Qt4, when it's easy
> to just pass a function to qSort(foo.begin(),foo.end(),mySortingFunctionHere)....
> or to use a map, for something closer to the usage of KSortableValueList.
> I'll start with porting the code I maintain away from KSortableValueList ;)

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