Missing info in error message

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri May 5 17:48:52 CEST 2006

David Faure wrote:
> CMake 2.4.1-beta still has the problem that if a CMakeLists.txt file refers to a non-existing
> source file, the error message says
>  CMake Error: can not find file /full/path/to/non/existing/file.cpp
> But it doesn't say -which- CMakeLists.txt file has the problem, which means lots of grepping
> in a large module like kdebase. Can this be added?

I can add the target that is looking for the source file, but that is 
about as much information as is available.  The problem is the final 
add_executable or add_library command just gets a list of sources as 
strings, and during the generate step the generator looks for the files. 
  All the handling of the source file names before they are passed to 
add_executable or add_library is just as strings, so there is no way to 
identify the first reference to a source file.


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