New cmake tarball needed

William A. Hoffman billlist at
Wed Mar 29 15:30:34 CEST 2006

At 02:32 AM 3/29/2006, Laurent Montel wrote:

>So for me it's not logical.
>We specify PATH where to search and it searchs into at the end.
>For me when we specify a path we want that this path has a high priority, and 
>not low priority. 

But you are not always the end user.  So, if a user puts program foo in their
PATH, and there is a FIND_PROGRAM(foo /my/path/), as a user of cmake
I would expect the foo in my PATH to be found, and not the one that was
hard coded into the cmakelist file.   Same thing goes for LIB and INCLUDE
variables.    CMake should work like the shell, and use the environment
it is given, not the additional search paths specified by the cmakelist
writer.   But, if you disagree with this, there is a way to change the order.
At the end of the day, most FIND* stuff should not have to specify many paths
anyway, because all the normal locations should be in cmake.


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