How to find qmake to find QT4

Michael Olbrich michael-olbrich at
Wed Mar 22 19:00:24 CET 2006

On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 05:38:06PM +0100, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> William A. Hoffman wrote:
> >The current FindQT4.cmake in kde looks for qmake-qt4, then qmake.
> >Is qmake-qt4 standard?  When I build and install qt-copy, I only
> >get a qmake, however there is a qmake-qt4 on the machine that gets
> >found, and is the wrong version of qt4.   So, what is qmake-qt4?
> I've never seen that and Trolltech does not create such a thing.
> The only thing we create is "qmake".

I think that's part of the problem. What's the right(tm) way to install
qmake from qt3 and qt4? And I mean distribution packages not a separate
hand compiled tree. Like with any other library and tools I expect
headers in /usr/include libraries in /usr/lib and programs in /usr/bin.
Debian does just that. To avoid conflicts the programs get the suffix
"-qt3" or "-qt4". The original name is a link to one of the two version.
(btw, multiple versions of gcc or automake work like this too).

I get the impression, that qmake should be used ot figure out where the
rest of Qt is, right? Is there a way to ask for the right moc? I could
use `qmake -query QT_INSTALL_BINS`/uic but that's not necessarily
correct. After all qmake can be configured to use a different uic.
"qmake -query QT_UIC" or something like that would be nice.

Then the best way would be:
- look for "qmake"
- if not available or too old look for "qmake-qt4"
- ask qmake for everything else.


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