Build problems with cmake / msvc2005

Michael Drüing michael at
Fri Mar 17 01:48:13 CET 2006


> - cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" ..\kdelibs failed. It couldn't find the
> kdewin32 lib. The problem was, that it looked for a lib called
> kdewin32.lib, while by default the debug version is built which is
> called kdewin32d.lib.

I have the same problem. However I built both the "Debug" and
"RelWithDebInfo" builds, so I definitely have both kdewin32.lib and
kdewin32d.lib (and corersponding *.dll's)
Still CMakeSetup for kdelibs/ tells me "You need to build kdewin32 first".
The libs are right there under it's nose, it just needs to look inside
"win/" ;-)

Any ideas?


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