
Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Tue Mar 7 23:51:25 CET 2006

SVN commit 516642 by neundorf:

-implemented RPATH handling, but disabled for now
to enable it again, remove the line 104, where KDE4_NEED_WRAPPER_SCRIPTS is set to false again

If you have current cmake cvs, you can then:
-enable CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH using ccmake, then everything will be built without RPATH
-disable CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH and enable KDE4_RPATH_TO_BUILD_DIR, then everything will be built with RPATH pointing to both the build and the install dir
-disable CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH and disable KDE4_RPATH_TO_BUILD_DIR, then everything will be built with RPATH pointing to the install dir

In all three cases no relinking will happen during install.

If built without RPATH to the builddir, the executables are executed using wrapper scripts named <name>.sh, e.g. kconfig_compiler.sh.

some changes to the kde3 stuff:

Please check whether it still works for you and let me know. I plan to move the KDE3 related files to cmake RSN.

CCMAIL: kde-buildsystem at kde.org
CCMAIL: b_mann at gmx.de
CCMAIL: christian.loose at hamburg.de


 M  +1 -3      cmake/am2cmake  
 M  +4 -0      cmake/modules/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +75 -36    cmake/modules/FindKDE3.cmake  
 M  +115 -55   cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake  
 M  +4 -12     cmake/modules/KDE3Macros.cmake  
 M  +21 -10    cmake/modules/KDE4Macros.cmake  
 M  +12 -21    cmake/samples/kcalc/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +1 -6      cmake/samples/kcalc/knumber/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +1 -5      cmake/samples/kcalc/knumber/tests/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +7 -11     cmake/samples/kpager/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +0 -1      cmake/samples/man/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +0 -1      cmake/samples/view1394/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +7 -2      kdewidgets/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +7 -1      kstyles/keramik/CMakeLists.txt  

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