Newbie: Howto convert qmake project to cmake

William A. Hoffman billlist at
Tue Jul 11 14:10:13 CEST 2006

At 07:50 AM 7/11/2006, Aron Boström wrote:
>Hi experts!
>I have a problem I have tried to solve for allmost a week now without success. 
>In /trunk/KDE/kdepim/views/conversationview I have the code of my qmake-based SoC project. It's at the moment Qt4 only, but that is about to change. So I need to make it build with cmake. However, I can't. 
>When linking my executable i get "undefined reference to 'vtable for <EverySingleClassName>'".
>I have tried to copy and edit CMakeLists.txts from  many places in kdepim, kdelibs and kdebase, as well as tried the same with Qt's hello world tutorials. As long as I only have one sourcefile ( main.cpp) everything works just fine, but when I extends the solution to two source files (set (my_SRC main.cpp widget.cpp)) I bang my head into the wall.

It sounds like you are not running moc, that will cause undefined vtables in qt projects.


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