invitation: try compiling kdelibs using cmake

Winfried winfried_mb2 at
Sat Jan 28 13:02:21 CET 2006

I also checked out kdelibs trunk and tried to build it with cmake. After " 
cmake ." finished ok, make gave the error below. 
I have a separate user account for kde4 building: kde4.
Even though I did export QTDIR=/home/kde4/qt4
and I removed /usr/lib/qt3/bin from the PATH environment variable, still the 
build system tries to use the qt3 moc executable.

When I edit CMakeCache.txt manually and change the following two variables
compilation starts ok (it is still compiling now).

So what am I doing wrong?

thanks, Winfried Dobbe

kde4 at linux:~/kde4_trunk/kdelibs> make
/usr/local/bin/cmake -H/home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs 
-B/home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs --check-build-system 
CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs'
make -f dcop/CMakeFiles/DCOP.dir/build.make dcop/CMakeFiles/DCOP.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs'
Generating dcopclient.moc
cd /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/dcop && /usr/lib/qt3/bin/moc 
-I /usr/local/include -I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/dcop 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kdecore 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kdeui 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kio/kio 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/libltdl 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kio/kfile 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/interfaces 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kio 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kio/kssl 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/kdefx -I /home/kde4/qt4/include 
-I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtCore -I /home/kde4/qt4/include/Qt 
-I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtGui -I /home/kde4/qt4/include/Qt3Support 
-I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtAssistant -I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtDesigner 
-I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtNetwork -I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtOpenGL 
-I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtSql -I /home/kde4/qt4/include/QtXml 
-I /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs 
-I /usr/X11R6/include /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/dcop/dcopclient.h 
-o /home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs/dcop/dcopclient.moc
Qt meta object compiler
moc: Invalid argument
Usage:  moc [options] <header-file>
        -o file    Write output to file rather than stdout
        -f[file]   Force #include, optional file name
        -p path    Path prefix for included file
        -i         Do not generate an #include statement
        -k         Do not stop on errors
        -nw        Do not display warnings
        -v         Display version of moc
make[2]: *** [dcop/dcopclient.moc] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs'
make[1]: *** [dcop/CMakeFiles/DCOP.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kde4/kde4_trunk/kdelibs'
make: *** [all] Error 2

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