KDE_EXPORT in kdelibs and winposix

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri Feb 10 16:30:12 CET 2006

Ralf Habacker wrote:
> I have tried
> C:\Daten\kde4\kdelibs>cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" 
> -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH:STRING=c:/_KDE4/include\;c:/_KDE4/include/libxml2 
> :STRING=c:/_KDE4/lib

When using a windows shell the semicolon is not a command separator, and 
the backslash is not an escape sequence.  Therefore CMake receives the 
whole string including the "\;" part, and CMake treats this as an 
escaped semicolon, so it all shows up as one path.  Just leave the 
backslash out when using this shell.  The command line I sent you was 
used in an MSYS bash shell which is why it needed the escape sequence.


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