Error compiling cmake

Brad King brad.king at
Fri Feb 10 15:31:29 CET 2006

Peter Kümmel wrote:
> I also get this error on opensuse 10.0 with gcc 4.0.
> The error tracks down to cmcurl/setup.h;
> #ifndef STDC_HEADERS /* no standard C headers! */
> #include <curl/stdcheaders.h>
> #endif
> Are there really no standard C headers with gcc?

The "cmcurl" code is just a copy of the "curl" library modified slightly 
to build with CMake.  Your build problems are probably due to the hasty 
changes I made last night in preparing for the binary release I 
announced.  I made a sweep through CMake's Check*.cmake modules to add 
some features to make KDE try-compiles simpler, and I may have 
introduced a bug that causes some of CMake's own try-compiles to get 
wrong answers.  We'll look at it today.


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