help with CMake on win32

Michael Drüing michael at
Tue Feb 7 00:25:01 CET 2006

I'm recently following the discussion about the buildsystems for KDE4. After
I managed to successfully build some basic KDE-libs using bksys I'm now
trying to do the same with the CMake projects. But I could use a few hints

I got cmake to configure everything, but what do I do afterwards? There's no
Makefile generated for nmake. What am I missing?
CMake prints this just before finishing[1]:

D:\kde4\src\kdelibs-build>cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" d:\kde4\src\kdelibs
....lots of output skipped....
-- Found LibXml2: d:/Devel/local/lib/xml2.lib
-- Found LibXslt: d:/Devel/local/lib/xslt.lib
-- skipped kab2kabc, two moc files with the same name
Could not find GIF
-- Configuring done

Could it have something to do with the GIF error? Is giflib a dependancy?

Also, how do I specify a different KDE root directory? The generated
config.h has these:
#define KDEDIR "C:/Program Files/kdelibs"
#define KDESYSCONFDIR "C:/Program Files/kdelibs/etc"

however, I want them to be d:/kde4 and d:/kde4/etc, respectively (and so on
for all the other directories). Setting KDEDIR prior to running CMake had no


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