cmake hype?

Brad King brad.king at
Fri Feb 3 16:03:09 CET 2006

Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> That's not my problem. This is mine:
> - ------------------------8<--------------
> E:\kde\kde_cmake_build>cmake ..\kdelibs -G "NMake Makefiles"
> CMake Error: CMAKE can not find the command line program cmake.
>   argv[0] = "cmake"
>   Attempted paths:
>     "cmake"
>     "C:/Hoffman/My Builds/CMakeVSNMake71Dev/bin/./cmake.exe"
>     "C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake"
> CMake Error: Error executing cmake::LoadCache().  Aborting.
> - ------------------------8<--------------

I'm unable to duplicate this problem.  CMake is using the argv[0] 
"cmake" to search for itself in the PATH.  If the shell can find it, 
CMake should be able to find it since the environment doesn't change 
when the program loads.

Is this the KDE CMake release?  Are there any other copies of CMake on 
your system?


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