
David Faure faure at kde.org
Thu Apr 20 14:25:47 CEST 2006

SVN commit 531839 by dfaure:

OK so FIND_PATH and FIND_LIBRARIES use the cache already, so no need for the CACHED_FOO fast-path
when the check only uses those. Instead I used this, to avoid "Found libfoo" in the output when in
fact we didn't just look for it, we had it in the cache.
+  # Already in cache, be silent

CACHED_FOO remains for the cases where there is more logic to the configure check, like
 PKGCONFIG, foo-config, or CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS (e.g. bzip2)

CCMAIL: kde-buildsystem at kde.org

 M  +4 -0      FindASPELL.cmake  
 M  +5 -11     FindBZip2.cmake  
 M  +28 -38    FindGIF.cmake  
 M  +5 -0      FindHSPELL.cmake  
 M  +7 -2      FindJasper.cmake  
 M  +2 -0      FindLibArt.cmake  
 M  +32 -42    FindPCRE.cmake  
 M  +27 -39    FindTIFF.cmake  
 M  +26 -36    FindZLIB.cmake  

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