cmake colors

David Faure faure at
Wed Apr 19 18:27:55 CEST 2006

On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 10:10:22AM -0400, Brad King wrote:
> Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> > On Wednesday 19 April 2006 10:56, David Faure wrote:
> > 
> >>I updated cmake from CVS to test the upcoming release; the first difference I saw
> >>was the colors. Nice feature, but I think the actual colors could be improved:
> >>light green and yellow are unreadable on a white background.
> >>
> >>"Building CXX object" is very-light green; with unsermake it was a darker green, which was
> >>readable on white background. Looking into the code... hmm, strange; it's the escape code
> >>for "bold" which makes the green lighter (and not more bold at all). Hmm, that's in konsole;
> >>in xterm it does both (makes it lighter and more bold). Still not very readable there though.
> >>
> >>"Linking" is yellow in both cmake and unsermake, and unreadable in both, but well,
> >>with unsermake only the word "linking" was in yellow, not the actual target being
> >>linked, so the target remained readable.
> > 
> > 
> > The unsermake implementation didn't only look very nice, but it also 
> > was bettter "usable", because it only highlighted the keywords at the
> > beginning of the line (the percentage completed, and then "compiling", 
> > "installing", "linking", "creating"...) with the actual job details
> > still being the default text color. This made it for easy reading.
> > The complete lines being colorated do look to obtrusive, and make for
> > harder reading too.
> This was not made clear in the original feature request, but it is easy 
> to fix.  So, to be clear, only the first word should be colored
Well, I'd say not the first word, but the constant part of the string, like
"Building CXX object" or "Linking CXX shared library" - everything except
the target name. But well, first word is fine with me too.

> On the other hand in a verbose build having the whole line show up in 
> color (with a black background) makes the high-level lines stick out 
> from the detail lines.
Yes, but see those two screenshots:
On my screen at least it's completely impossible to see what is being linked by cmake.
Using a more orange color would be a fix, but then a darker green would be good too
(which means removing the bold, apparently).

David Faure
faure at

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