Recommended way to detect setXMLFile-failure?

Sascha Cunz sascha at
Thu Oct 13 17:21:25 CEST 2005

Am Donnerstag 13 Oktober 2005 13:34 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> Hi!
> Probably, anybody developing a KDE-application has had users asking, why
> the menus and toolbars are missing, at some point or another. Most of the
> time, this is due to users not having done a make install, or installed to
> the wrong place (or of course, you have forgotten to include an .rc-file in
> the release). What's worse than having to answer the same question time and
> again, is that for every user asking for support, there are probably at
> least five who you give up silently, and never try your application again.
> So, it would seem reasonable to check for this sort of thing, and showing
> the user a helpful message, if an .rc-file could not be found.
> Unfortunately, KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile () does not return any indication
> on wether the file could be loaded (well, it prints a message to the
> console, but who besides a developer is looking at console output?). So, is
> there a recommended way of finding out, whether the file could be loaded?
> Could a future version of setXMLFile () return an indication of
> success/failure?

almost back 4 years in time, when i got involved into kde, the first thing i 
did was to research, why some menu entries in KDevelop did not show up. After 
digging around for quite a while, if found a XML file that did not validate.

At those days, i suggested, to validate the file during "make install". I 
don't know if anybody did add that to the admin/-scripts since then. However. 
I'll CC the kde-buildsystem ML, to check / query if this is or will be done 
in the new buildsystem.

Well, i assume, if you want to know if the file is there, you'll have to 
search it yourself, read it ( to see if it's correct ), then call 

But i'm all for changing this in KDE4 !!!

Cheers Sascha
Sascha Cunz          sascha at
KDevelop Developer

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