[Kde-br] Questionario para o pessoal do KDE

Sandro Andrade sandroandrade em kde.org
Sábado Junho 6 20:01:18 UTC 2015


Simone Amorim está realizando seu doutorado em Computação e participou
do LaKademy 2015 realizando algumas entrevistas com os participantes.

Gostaria de solicitar a ajuda de vocês para preencher o formulário
abaixo, não leva mais que 15 minutos. É importante para entender
melhor as características da nossa comunidade.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simone Amorim <simone.amorim em gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 12:07 AM
Subject: Questionario para ser enviado para o pessoal do KDE
To: Sandro Andrade <sandro.andrade em gmail.com>

Dear KDE community member

This questionnaire is part of my thesis, whose goal is to investigate
and understand Improvement in Software Ecosystems Practices. The
research for this thesis is being conducted at Federal University of
Bahia, Brazil. The questionnaire is designed to capture expert opinion
regarding key factors influencing software ecosystem improvement.
Please, answer considering KDE ecosystem. This questionnaire can be
completed in less than 15 minutes.

It is composed of two parts. In part 1, please select key factors that
you consider contain practices that facilitate the improvement of a
software ecosystem. In part 2, please analyze the graph and choose
weights appropriate to the relationships between the key factors. T

The results of the survey will be used in an evaluation study of
Software Ecosystems Practice Improvement. Your opinion is very
important to the success of our research.

We chose you because your active participation in KDE community. All
the information provided will be kept confidential and we will just
publish your role in the study. Responses will simply be tallied and
no comparisons will be made among the responses.

Please, return the survey by June 25, 2015.



Thank you,

Simone Amorim
aSide - Research Group in Software Design and Evolution
RiSE - Reuse in Software Engineering
PhD. Student in Computer Science
Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) - Brazil

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