[Kde-br] Fwd: Plasma 5.6 Kickoff meeting Tuesday 15:00UTC/16:00CET
Sandro Andrade
sandroandrade em kde.org
Segunda Dezembro 14 13:19:07 UTC 2015
Reunião de planejamento do plasma 5.6 amanhã meio dia.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jonathan Riddell" <jr em jriddell.org>
Date: Dec 14, 2015 7:39 AM
Subject: Plasma 5.6 Kickoff meeting Tuesday 15:00UTC/16:00CET
To: <plasma-devel em kde.org>
Winner for the Plasma 5.6 Kickoff meeting is tomorrow Tuesday
We'll come up with a schedule for 5.6 and review the todo list
Please come with any exciting plans you have
Plasma-devel mailing list
Plasma-devel em kde.org
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