[Kde-br] Post Sobre o LaKademy 2014

Lamarque Souza lamarque em kde.org
Quarta Junho 11 22:42:41 UTC 2014

Se ninguém ainda traduziu aqui está a minha tradução da página. Só avisando
que não tive tempo de fazer uma revisão mais apurada:
About LaKademy

LaKademy - shortname for Latin American Akademy - is the Latin-american KDE
users and contributors meeting, while KDE is one of the biggest free
software communities in the world.

Latin America is of great importance to the project because it has a large
community of developer and users, as well as numerous business and
governments that use, develop, and adopt policies to free software - and
many of them use software developed by KDE.

The main LaKademy goal is to allow users and developers of the community to
meet in person, enabling the exchange of ideas about projects and
initiatives between the community members, discuss the future of KDE, plan
future actions for KDE in Latin America, in addition to presenting the
project for potential new contributors.

Thus, LaKademy consists of activities such as lectures on key topics
related to KDE, hacking sessions for you to learn how to contribute code to
the project, and meetings on specific topics and happy hours.

The first LaKademy happened in Porto Alegre in 2012 and nearly 20
contributors attended it, including Brazilians, Argentines and Peruvians.

In 2014 we will have another edition of LaKademy taking place from 27th to
30th August in São Paulo city, on the premises of CCSL - Free Software
Competence Center of IME-USP.

Put it on your calendar and come join LaKademy and KDE community!


>From 27th to 30th August 2014.

São Paulo city - SP - Brazil, on the premises of CCSL - Free Software
Competence Center of IME-USP <http://ccsl.ime.usp.br/>.

CCSL web site <http://ccsl.ime.usp.br/pt-br/localizacao> explains how to
get to USP campus and the CCSL building.

How to Participate

Several KDE contributors have already confirmed
<http://wiki.br.kde.org/LaKademy_2014> their participation in LaKademy 2014.

For those who are not KDE contributors yet, you can also join LaKademy -
one of the event goals is to bring new contributors to the community. There
will be registration for participants but everyone can participate in the
call for papers - stay tuned for the dates!

   - Registration - soon;
   - Call for Papers <http://br.kde.org/lakademy-2014-CfP> - open until
   June 20th.

Lamarque V. Souza

KDE's Network Management maintainer


2014-06-09 19:06 GMT-03:00 Lamarque Souza <lamarque em kde.org>:

> Olha, eu até comecei a traduzir mas acho que preciso dormir, minha cabeça
> não está trabalhando muito bem hoje não :-/ Outra pessoa poderia fazer a
> tradução? Se ninguém fizer vou tentar fazer amanhã.
> Lamarque V. Souza
> KDE's Network Management maintainer
> http://planetkde.org/pt-br
> 2014-06-09 14:19 GMT-03:00 Filipe Saraiva <filipe em kde.org>:
>  Alguém para traduzir o post pro inglês, please? :)
>> Em 31-05-2014 13:51, Filipe Saraiva escreveu:
>> Eu escrevi esse post sobre o LaKademy http://br.kde.org/lakademy-2014
>> mas ele serve mais como um "Sobre" do que como divulgação - mas pode ser
>> utilizado para iniciar um post mais para divulgação do evento.
>> Alguém poderia traduzi-lo para inglês? Gostaria de colocar na página uma
>> versão em inglês e outra em espanhol.
>> E se alguém quiser, pode utilizá-lo para fazer um post mais para
>> divulgação também. =)
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>> Filipe Saraivahttp://filipesaraiva.info/
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