[Kde-br] Migração do KDE Brasil Notes - Era: ACTION REQUIRED: KDE Notes (Etherpad) migration

Filipe Saraiva filipe em kde.org
Sábado Abril 20 19:52:12 UTC 2013

Fala pessoal,

Estamos com a migração pro novo notes quase terminada. Mitchell criou nosso
grupo, agora para termos pads privados precisamos apenas adicionar
kde-brazil-private no início do título do pad.

Está faltando o Lamarque migrar um texto privado dele, o "Ark2's comments".
Aparentemente também estamos com problemas em algumas pessoas que se
cadastraram recentemente no KDE Identity mas não aparecem lá.

Nossos pads podem ser encontrados em https://notes.kde.org/list/k. São os
que começam com kde-brazil-private. Entretanto, para editar, será
necessário uma conta no KDE Identity e será preciso alterar a URL, mudando
'public' para 'p'. :p

Bem, eu não gostei muito desse software. Nossos pads ficam espalhados, pelo
que vi não é possível alterar o título de um pad, e nem sua segurança (se é
público ou privado).


2013/4/19 Jeff Mitchell <mitchell em kde.org>

> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=318585
> Jeff Mitchell <mitchell em kde.org> changed:
>            What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>              Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
>          Resolution|---                         |FIXED
> --- Comment #1 from Jeff Mitchell <mitchell em kde.org> ---
> Done, with the exception of binoanb, who does not appear in Identity.
> Pads with names beginning with kde-brazil-private will be accessible only
> to
> members of that group.
> --
> You are receiving this mail because:
> You reported the bug.

2013/4/10 Filipe Saraiva <filipe em kde.org>

> Pessoal, já faz um tempo que o time sysadmin do KDE enviou um e-mail pra
> quem tem conta no etherpad (o notes do KDE) sobre a migração para um novo
> software. O e-mail original segue no final dessa mensagem.
> Nesse novo software não haverá subdomínos, como temos hoje, mas haverá
> grupos criados a partir das contas no KDE Identity.
> Atualmente temos as seguintes pessoas inscritas no KDE Brasil Notes:
> Filipe Saraiva
> Aracele Torres
> Sandro Andrade
> Tomaz Canabrava
> Helio de Castro
> Lamarque Souza
> Wagner Reck
> Camila Azevedo
> Henrique Sant'Anna
> Kleiton Moraes
> Julia Vasconcelos
> Manuela Leite
> Diogo Leal
> Domingos Teruel
> Melissa Weber
> Tulio
> Fernando Boaglio
> Iaina Estrela
> Então, para seguirmos com a migração, peço-lhes:
> 1 - Quem tem conta no KDE Identity:
> 1.1 - Me mande seu username em pvt;
> 2 - Quem não tem conta no KDE Identity mas quer continuar com acesso:
> 2.1 - Cria uma conta em https://identity.kde.org/
> 2.2 - Me mande seu username em pvt;
> Vamos fazer isso até sexta-feira antes da reunião, ok? Logo em seguida
> inicio o processo de migração com os sysadmins.
> Abraços,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jeff Mitchell <mitchell em kde.org>
> Date: 2013/3/19
> Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: KDE Notes (Etherpad) migration
> To: kdelibs <kde-core-devel em kde.org>
> Hello,
> If you are receiving this email, you're either on kde-core-devel or you
> have an account on the current KDE Etherpad system (possibly from being a
> KDE developer, possibly from Desktop Summit 2010).
> If you (a) no longer wish to use the Etherpad system, and/or (b) you don't
> care about keeping any of your content, you can ignore the rest of this
> email, and you will receive no further messages about it.
> The old, unmaintained, broken, crufty, non-scaling Etherpad installation
> at notes.kde.org is being replaced with an up-to-date installation of
> Etherpad-Lite at the same address, available immediately (or as soon as the
> DNS change propagates). The old Etherpad installation is still available at
> https://notes-old.kde.org
> Because the two products share essentially no ancestry except for the
> name, after much discussion (two years' worth, essentially) and trialling
> out a few possibilities, we're setting down a migration path. The timing is
> a bit forced due to some hosting changes that are coming down the wire and
> over which we have no control.
> Migration of pads is not straightforward (quite the opposite) on the
> sysadmin side, and because of this, and the fact that we know many pads on
> there to be very old and uncared for, we're putting the onus on interested
> users to migrate the pads they care about *BEFORE APRIL 27th*. You will not
> be able to keep history, but you will be able to keep content. Yes, it
> sucks. Yes, we know. Yes, we're sorry. No, we're not going to do it a
> different way.
> Part of the reason that migration is not straightforward is that on the
> new system, there are no subdomains; instead access is being protected via
> pad name matching. For example, sysadmin pads will be protected via a group
> in KDE Identity that has access to pads named sysadmin-private*. If you
> currently have a subdomain and have a need to have private pads, file a
> sysadmin bug, asssigned to me, with the list of Identity user names, and I
> will create you a private namespace.
> There is a bit of good news: the number one feature request (Identity
> integration) is now satisfied. In fact, anyone with a KDE Identity account
> can create pads at-will on the new system.
> Summary:
> 1) The old system (https://notes-old.kde.org) goes away on April 27th.
> 2) If you have private pads that you want to keep private, file a sysadmin
> bug, assigned to me, with Identity names of the people that should have
> access.
> 3) If you care about keeping pad content, copy that pad content to pads on
> the new system.
> 4) Yes, this is not the most ideal way to migrate. We've been hoping a
> better migration path would surface. It hasn't.
> 5) Not everything is bad; the new Etherpad is open for all Identity users
> to create and use pads at-will. We're going to say that that outweighs the
> annoyance of all the other bad news.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> --
> Filipe Saraiva
> http://filipesaraiva.info/
> --
> Filipe Saraiva
> <http://filipesaraiva.info/>http://filipesaraiva.info/
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