[Kde-br] Libreoffice template for presentations

Sandro Andrade sandroandrade em kde.org
Quinta Outubro 13 01:29:47 UTC 2011

Hi guys (cc'ing kde-brasil to whomever it may concern),

I've prepared this libreoffice template for our presentations in Latinoware.
It would be great if we all could use it for talks inside the 4th KDE Brazil
Forum at Latinoware.

You can download it at:

You just need to move the two .ttf files to /usr/share/fonts/TTF (or
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ in some distros) and run (as root): mkfontdir

After that you'll be able to open the .odp file in LibreOffice with
proper fonts.

Hoping to see you all soon,

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