[Kde-bindings] Qyoto issues - QPainter, QSvgGenerator

Ruth Ivimey-Cook ruth at ivimey.org
Fri Feb 1 12:07:40 UTC 2013

> Sorry about that "End" property. I've already fixed it but I haven't 
> uploaded binaries yet. I'll do this tonight. In the mean-time as a 
> workaround you could just assign an unused variable to the End 
> property, the effect would be the same.
> About the SVG generator, this one I haven't encountered. I'll attempt 
> to include the fix in the tonight binaries.
Many thanks for your quick response Dimitar.

To be more explicit, the SVG properties I am using are Filename, Size, 
Title and Description. The missing Filename property, in particular, 
makes the class useless as it is used to set the output file.

I am also having trouble getting this line, which used to work in PyQt, 
to compile:

although the corresponding:

seems to be compiling ok. Is this my misunderstanding? I did try to see 
if this version of setOverrideCursor would work, but it doesn't because 
of a type mismatch:
             QApplication.OverrideCursor = Qt.CursorShape.WaitCursor;

For the moment, I've commented out both calls in my code but it would be 
good to reinstate them.

Finally, I notice a warning:
             Warning    13    'QtGui.QGraphicsItem.Scale(double, 
double)' is obsolete: '"instead."'
which I didn't get in PyQt and isn't marked as obsolete in the qt 4.8 
docs - indeed it was only introduced in qt 4.6.


Software Manager & Engineer
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