[Kde-bindings] SMOKEv4 proposals

Richard Dale richard.dale at telefonica.net
Sun Sep 9 03:55:44 UTC 2012

On 09/08/2012 11:25 PM, Arno Rehn wrote:
> (5) Add more meta information to smoke. We've already discussed adding
>     method argument names, which sounds like a good idea and shouldn't
>     weigh too much with proper string interning.
>     We should also consider having only one 'string table' in the smoke
>     lib, which could save some more bytes (e.g. many classnames will be
>     identical to the constructor names, some argument names are probably
>     identical to some method names, etc..).
>     It would be greate if we can come up with something that lets us
>     add more meta-information later without breaking BC again. Adding
>     traditional virtual methods to the 'Smoke' class might not be such
>     good idea because it would break C compatibility, but maybe some
>     'manual' offset table with pointers to structs/funcs could be used.
> Can you think of anything else?
It would be nice to have meta data about object ownership, so that the 
bindings would know after you call QObject::setParent() the parent 
QObject will delete the child and so on. Phil Thompson suggested that we 
could use the meta data from PyQt for this as I don't think it can be 
generated automatically and it would save a lot of work. I think other 
existing bindings already have this data in various forms too. But maybe 
we could convert it to some kind of XML format that looks similar to the 
current smokegen metadata.

I think adding method argument names is a good idea and they would be 
better off as part of the smoke runtime rather than a seperate file as 
they are now.

-- Richard

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