[Kde-bindings] HccQt: all libs release

Dimitar Dobrev dpldobrev at yahoo.com
Fri May 25 16:48:06 UTC 2012

Yes, this is exactly what I mean, I'm porting an existing project to Qt.
I really do not have the time for comments but I can give you a basic outline for Qyoto (contained in the qtcore Qyoto module) as follows:
1. SmokeInvocation.cs - contains the methods that invoke the corresponding invokers in the native Qyoto which in turn call the SMOKE methods;
2. SmokeMarshallers.cs - these are the managed methods called by native code;

2. methodcall.cpp, virtualcall.cpp - these are self-explanatory;
3. handlers.cpp - these are the type marshallers; each type you pass to and each type you get from unmanaged code passes its appropriate marshaller; you'll see the Qyoto_handlers field which indicated which marshaller (a function pointer) is used for a certain type; for example, marshall_basetype is used for classes;

4. callbacks.cpp - these set pointers pointing to the managed methods (defined in 2.,SmokeMarshallers.cs) to call from unmanaged code.
This is basically it, and as these are the most used methods, the bug is most likely there. Let me know if you need more assistance.

 From: Steven Boswell II <ulatekh at yahoo.com>
To: Dimitar Dobrev <dpldobrev at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: HccQt: all libs release

Porting what?  Are you talking about porting an existing project to use Qyoto and Qt?

I'll have to learn the source code to Qyoto to have any luck debugging it.  I don't suppose you'll have time to add source-code comments to Qyoto to reflect what you've learned about it in the last several months?

Also, I've never been able to get any version of the assemblygen-based Qyoto to work under Linux, not even a debug build.  It crashes in the first call to QObject.Connect().
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