[Kde-bindings] Error building Qyoto on Linux

Steven Boswell II ulatekh at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 5 00:25:49 UTC 2012

Yes, I'm building Qyoto with Qt 4.8.1 under both MS Windows and Linux.  Missing include file paths wouldn't cause linker errors.

Perhaps you can send me the CMakeCache.txt file in your smokegen build directory?  I'll compare it against mine and see if there are any significant differences.

I'm sure Qt5 will be supported, but from what I've seen on this mailing list, it's still just a gleam in our eye. :-)

Steven Boswell

 From: Jeff Alstadt <jeff.alstadt at centare.com>
To: "kde-bindings at kde.org" <kde-bindings at kde.org> 
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Kde-bindings] Kde-bindings Digest, Vol 110, Issue 6

I got to the step of building smokegen in the Qt Creator on Windows. When I build the cmake project with Qt 4.8.1, I get 3,859 linker errors. It seems I might be missing some include file locations. Did anyone do anything specific for Qt Creator to eliminate the linker errors? I hope later tonight I might have some more time to be able to bang on it. I think it is just something small I am missing.

Has anyone tried to build Qyoto with 4.8.1 or is 4.7.1 only supported? Do we plan to have support for Qt5?

Jeff Alstadt
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