[Kde-bindings] Qyoto and QTreeView/QAbstractItemModel: "C# instance has been wrongly GC'd for virtual call"

james james at mansionfamily.plus.com
Sun Nov 20 08:32:23 UTC 2011

 > However, nearly no-one in the *nix world cares
 > about the whole Mono thing (actually, nearly
 > everyone dislikes it)

While this is certainly true of a certain faction
of people who have a huge chip on their shoulder about
Microsoft and everything that comes from Microsoft, and
there may be a disproportionate number of them involved
in KDE, it certainly isn't true of  'the *nix world' in
the large: some of us were delivering software on
SunOS before Linux had a working network stack.

Please don't generalise like that.  A very vocal
minority always seems ably to hijack things, and its
a shame.

Perhaps if the technology could be aligned with the
Qt project itself rather than KDE (and perhaps share
where reasonable with the Java and Python wrappers)
then there would be more activity.  KDE is not a
mainstream platform for business system delivery and
most C# devs are involved in exactly that, so its
not entirely suprising that the takeup is poor.

As for the anti-Microsoft brigade, well, they get to
have more fun with Oracle now.  Good luck, eh?

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