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Thu Nov 10 03:57:02 UTC 2011

based widget sets. These often come with examples and part of the work is
to port those examples to Python. We then end up with C++ and Python
implementations with the same structure, the same functionality, and
calling the same API. Any difference in the amount of code is purely down
to "language overhead".

Below is a comparison of the numbers of lines of code for a number of such
examples. For the C++ implementations I have excluded all .pro files and
all qmake and moc generated files.

             C++   Python   Reduction
example_1    509     318       38%
example_2    871     516       41%
example_3    225     132       41%
example_4    142      72       49%
example_5    615     363       41%
example_6     56      46       18%
example_7   1445     764       47%
example_8    536     312       42%


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