[Kde-bindings] Qyoto for Qt 4.8 on Windows

Dimitar Dobrev dpldobrev at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 17 01:00:36 UTC 2011

Hi, Steven. I just compiled Qyoto on Windows for Qt 4.8 with your patches and it works! However, I had two make one small and one large change. The small one is to comment out line 138:

list(REMOVE_ITEM test_targets ${qtdefines_output}

in smokeqt/qt-core/QtGuess.txt (very strange, you haven't change it and I didn't have problems with it before).

The large one is replacing "library_target_dir" with "LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH" in all places in assemblygen. The problem was that the dll.config files were not found in this "library_target_dir" and the "install" stage failed. Could you please check if everything works OK for you with this replacement? If so, I'll just push it some time tomorrow.
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