[Kde-bindings] how to distribute applications using korundum

Stefano Crocco stefano.crocco at alice.it
Wed Sep 22 18:59:22 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 22 September 2010, Ian Monroe wrote:
> |On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Stefano Crocco <stefano.crocco at alice.it> 
> |> Hello to everyone
> |> I'm finishing the first alpha version of my application using korundum.
> |> Now, the problem I'm facing is the following: how do I distribute it?
> |
> |You could just have the application copy the .desktop files on the
> |user's first startup. If your users are able to install ruby gems, its
> |not asking much to launch your app once without a handy .desktop
> |launch icon. Certainly makes more sense then asking them to modify
> |their KDEDIRS.
> |
> |And this is just temporary really. Once your application is
> |established, the distributions will package your application which is
> |the Correct Method for application distribution to Linux users. And it
> |solves all the problems you describe.
> |
> |Ian
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Thanks for the very interesting suggestion. However, after writing my original 
message, I found out you can write plugins for rubygems. These plugins are 
called before and after installing and uninstalling a gem. I'm thinking about 
writing a general gem plugin which allows other gems to install files 
globally. I'm not sure whether it'll work, though. If it doesn't, I think I'll 
use your solution, at least for the time being.

Thanks again


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