[Kde-bindings] Re: KConfigXT compiler for Python

Dennis Malcorps dennis.malcorps at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 30 21:52:55 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to say that I am still alive and working on pykconfigcompiler. 
University kept me busy the last 2.5 month, but I found some spare time to 
start hacking again. Unfortunately I won't have much free time in the next 
weeks/months, so progress is going to be slow. 

On Sunday, August 15, 2010 03:55:56 pm Simon Edwards wrote:
> On a technical note, I don't know much about the kconfig stuff, but is
> it possible to read kcfgc files directly at runtime and produce the GUI
> on the fly without having to generate .py files at build time?

Well, kconfig (to be more precise: a subclass of kconfigSkeleton) doesn't 
produce a GUI, it is just a class that reads and writes configuration values to 
and from a given file. (like qsettings on steroids). It works quiet nice 
together with a kconfigdialog, so pykconfigcompiler, just like kconfigcompiler 
(c++) and rbkonficcompiler (ruby), generates that kconfigskeleton subclass from 
an xml file and an optional ini file. 
And to answer the actual question: Yes, this can be done at runtime :)

Am Sonntag 15 August 2010, 17:31:56 schrieb Richard Dale:
> In my opinion we shouldn't need to have entirely seperate Ruby or Python
> tools to handle the KConfigXT classes, [...] I'm just slightly sad that we 
may end up with
> completely different tools for each bindings language, instead of a
> relatively simple way of changing the way the standard kconfigcompiler
> generates code.

But isn't this the same situation for loading ui files? There is uic, pyuic, 
rbuic, which create code from an xml file, which can be done at runtime in 
python and ruby.
Just as I don't want to write my ui class manually I don't want to write my 
kconfig class manually. Yeah, I'm lazy, I know^^

Greetings, Dennis

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