[Kde-bindings] Kubuntu patches to kdebindings

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Sat Jan 30 16:03:46 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 27 January 2010 21:58:00 Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Here at Kubuntu we like to keep our favourite upstreams informed of
> the patches we use on packages.  These all come from Debian.
I only know Qyoto and a bit QtRuby, so I can't comment on the Python patches.

> "The qyotoshared is more of a real library than a basic glue library
> and should be treated as such." likewise, unconvinced this helps
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu/annotate/he
> ad:/debian/patches/03_csharp_dont_use_qyotoshared_directly.diff
Yes, the statement's right. But replacing "qyotoshared" with "qyoto" will 
break on windows and MS.NET. It expects the DllImport to point to the correct 

> possibly optimistic
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu/annotate/he
> ad:/debian/patches/04_fix_ruby_requires.diff
Looks ok to me, but I'd like to hear what Richard says to this.

> These fail to build
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu/annotate/
> head%3A/debian/patches/08_csharp_plasma_examples.diff
The tiger example builds fine for me. The plasmaclock stuff has been removed 
for 4.4, so that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

> as with 03
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/kdebindings/ubuntu/annotate/
> head%3A/debian/patches/10_fix_kimono_dllimports.diff
As with 03, this will break on Windows, because we don't have a 'lib' prefix 
for libraries there. Mono can handle that, so I don't see a reason why we 
should prepend 'lib'.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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