[Kde-bindings] Does Qyoto really need KDE libs?

IBBoard ibboard at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 20:26:13 UTC 2010

I just tried installing Qyoto on my Fedora machine at work and noticed
that it was trying to pull in quite large chunks of the core of KDE (at
least it seemed quite large - there were a number of packages, more than
I'd have expected). At first I just thought that it was lazy packaging
and that they hadn't split it up as well as they could have on the
assumption that KDE users would be using Qt. Now that I'm at home I've
checked my openSUSE install and I've got libkde4 and libkdecore4
installed, amongst other packages, and can't remove them because of
dependencies from Smoke.

Does Smoke (and hence Qyoto) really need to be integrated with KDE
(libsmoke2 apparently requires libkdeui.so.5 and libakonadi, the PIM
app) or is it just a packaging issue that I could work around if I
repackaged things myself?


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