[Kde-bindings] PerlQt CPAN rights transfer

Ashley Winters jahqueel at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 20 08:03:18 UTC 2010

Hello all,

I've granted Chris Burel and Eric Wilhelm co-maintainer status of the Qt module on Perl's CPAN, in case one of them wants to update the software available to CPAN users. I recognize there's a large disparity between what they might individually choose to release as the next version, but I imagine there's a possibility for consensus.

I'll defer to others on the future of PerlQt, but I will offer my opinions nonetheless.

Several unorthodox aspects of PerlQt which Eric wants to revert are addressed by Moose these days, and, given a second chance, I would remove the "this" hacketry and adopt Moose syntactic sugar to enable pleasant Qt programming. If the decisions I made 8 years ago no longer apply, I'm not going to shed a tear of they're improved upon.

I feel that Chris has a good grasp on how to take PerlQt into the future, and its future will be better off in his hands than mine.

- Ashley Winters


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