[Kde-bindings] KjsEmbed - what is now and what will be?

Andreas Marschke xxtjaxx at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 27 23:31:09 UTC 2010

Am Sonntag 28 Februar 2010 00:01:21 schrieb Ian Monroe:
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Andreas Marschke
> <xxtjaxx at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> > I had been trying to work with kross in the last few weeks to get kross
> > working with an  application I'm working on (Bangarang) and in that
> > context worked and tested it with Javascript(aka. KjsEmbed / Kjs).
> > The problem was that it mostly crashed even though I tried to implement
> > it as lean as possible.
> > I asked before why Kjs/KjsEmbed/Kross was so crashy and not as accepted
> > between other big projects in the KDE landscape as implementing pure
> > QtScript(Amarok) and ignore most of the greatness and variety that
> > bindings to Python and Ruby allow us to use.
> We (=Amarok) wanted to limit the dependency creep that sets in when
> you depend on Ruby or Python (since they will inevitably depend on
> other ruby and python libraries). Amarok 1.4 allowed scripts to be
> written in any language and they became really difficult for users to
> install.

These troubles are recieved and understood by me and still wonder 
me since amarok (these days ) needs a special mysql to be compiled against and 
afaik mysql is approx. bigger than a python library that you need to drag in 
for the bindings. 

> Also we weren't sure about embedding python and ruby, though in
> retrospect probably going that route would've been better since their
> Qt bindings were better developed (this issue will be fixed soon with
> JSmoke though).
JSmoke is therefore another attempt for Js on KDE?

> > As I had been told most of Kjs and KjsEmbed, where I dont even see where
> >  the difference between the two is, seem to be completely or halfway
> > unmaintained since the people who wrote it have other more important
> > things to do which is absolutely legitimit and not intended to offend
> > them.
> > I would rather like to help.
> >
> > So can you guys give me pointers to where I should go and help out
> > codewise to start fixing these issues?
> >
> > I would also appreciate a small walk through on where the ruogh edges are
> > and where one can wave his hand to help.
> Isn't there a QtScript backend for Kross? I remember a talk at Akademy
> 07 where a KJS dev compared KJS with QtScript and more or less said
> that QtScript was a great looking technology. And now QtScript uses
> JavascriptCore from Webkit, so its future seems well established
> (though honestly a bit buggy at the moment due to the change).
Yes there is a kross binding for QtScript and there is a binding for KJS which 
confused me in the first place since its kind of a duplicated effort. 
A good question  coming to my mind is will we ditch KJS and build KDE bindings 
upon QtScript like you built KDE upon Qt or will we have kjs and keep it and 
try to fix it "at some point"?
Is there anyway to either fix KJS or Replace it with possibly JSmoke?

Andreas Marschke.

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