[Kde-bindings] Qt, Qyoto buttons work intermediately

Linuxoid Oz linuxoidoz at yahoo.com.au
Thu Feb 18 21:22:44 UTC 2010

Thank you. I more or less understand how signals/slots operate from the main window. I just don't get how they work if I have to open a second window from the main window and display a message by clicking a button in the second window with passing some variables to it. That's the problem.

I've got a worked example using delegates that I mentioned before. I've
actually separated it out in to a helper function (because I _hate_ the
magic strings and want to type them as little as possible), but the full
code is available online at

Basically, if "menuAction" is a QAction (e.g. from a menu) and "method"
is a method that matches the SlotFunction delegate signature then:

QObject.Connect(menuAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), method);

will add the delegate as a slot method that gets called when the
triggered signal (clicking the menu item) occurs.

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