[Kde-bindings] One Smoke question

Sven Aßmann sven.assmann at lubico.biz
Fri Aug 27 15:16:52 UTC 2010

Am Freitag, 27. August 2010 16:39:06 schrieb Arno Rehn:
> On Friday 27 August 2010 16:16:09 Sven Aßmann wrote:
> > Can Anyone say me what happens when i passed a char* as an argument for a
> > methodsignature that contains QString& ??
> > 
> > Is it possible that Smoke or the underlying class cannot call a cast 
> > for e.g. char* to QString?
> That won't work. If a method expects a QString, you have to pass it a 
> even if you normally can implicitly convert a char* to a QString. The reason 
> is that the string is passed-by-reference, i.e. in a void*. The wrapper 
> only has the information that it's a QString and that something's in the 
> s_voidp field of the StackItem. So it will do this:
> void x_0(Smoke::Stack s) {
> 	wrappedMethod(*(QString*)s[1].s_voidp);
> }
> All implicit conversion options are lost this way (which is a good thing - 
> otherwise it could interfere with the bindings language's conversions).

Thank you for this information, now it is clear why it not work with my way.

> > i work on a smoke based php binding for qt/kde..
> Have you checked out PHPQt? We're currently looking for a maintainer and 
> already pretty good at binding Qt. We just need KDE extensions for it. Its 
> syntax is also nicer (my opinion, only) than your current code. In PHPQt, 
> can use classes directly, as in 
> <?php
> $app = new QApplication($argc, $argv);
> ?>

Yes, i did a review of the phpqt code for a while, but i think many things 
aren't solved nicely or i do not fully understand it.. but i cant get the 
phpqt code to work for me.. so i decided to start this mini project for a 
smoke based php binding, to get deeper into the matter and then i would to 
review the phpqt binding code again and will see if i understand every detail 
of it..

and maybe if i do that, then i will become a maintainer of the projekt :)

Sven Aßmann
sven.assmann at lubico.biz

> -- 
> Arno Rehn
> arno at arnorehn.de
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