[Kde-bindings] Kdebindings Qyoto and Kimono bugs or features

Richard Dale richard.j.dale at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 20:36:59 UTC 2010

Hi David

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:38 PM, David Schuster
<david.schuster at kdemail.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> because I got the feeling you are the main developer and maintainer of qyoto
> and kimono, I'm writing you because of two bugs I discovered:
> a) After updates from 4.4.5 to 4.5 RC2 and 4.5.00 the symbolic link from
> /usr/lib/cli/qt-dotnet-4.5/libqyoto.so is broken. This is relevant for all my
> Kubuntu x86_64 systems. (10.04.1 LTS)
> In /usr/lib/cli/qt-dotnet-4.5/
> sudo rm libqyoto.so && sudo ln -s libqyoto.so ../../libqyoto.so.2
> OR
> sudo rm libqyoto.so && sudo ln -s libqyoto.so ../../libqyoto.so.2.0.0
> would fix that. I don't know which upgrade procedure breaks the link.
> But the (symbolic) link in /usr/lib/ from libqyoto.so.2 to libqyoto.so.2.0.0
> is (still) valid.
I run Kubuntu 10.04 too, and I installed the Mono stuff from packages.
However, I built Qyoto and Kimono myself, and I don't have this
problem. So I think this is some sort of bug in the Debian or Kubuntu
packages of Qyoto. Someone reported the same problem about symbolic
links to me a few days ago, and again via private mail, and so we
really need to send these reports to some kind of public list to have
any chance of finding out what is going wrong.

> So every Qyoto program throws an TypeException/DllNotFound Exception at the
> start.
> b)
> In KDE 4.5 RC2 it seemed when I debugged Qyoto programs (with Monodevelop and
> its debugger), after stopping the debugging session the thread stopped, now it
> keeps running. So you got a zombie thread staying alive for every debugger run
> (or so it seems) ...
I this only happens when running under MonoDevelop, it may be a
problem with the debugger. I not sure - as far as I know we haven't
changed anything much for the KDE 4.5 release.

> c)
> When I try to debug Kimono programs in Monodevelop 2.4 the KCrash Handler
> opens. I attached you the source of my C# translation for the KDE Tutorial
> KXmlGuiWindow tutorial and the backtrace. When I run them they work fine.
> Any Kimono application works fine but debbuging only works 1 out of 10 times.
I'm not sure why this would be, but I don't have the MonoDevelop
debugger on my machine.

>        Best Regards,
>                              David Schuster
> p.s. I'm hoping for a fast reply and I'm sorry that I once wrote a
> Qyoto/Kimono related problem to your work email.
I changed jobs a month or two ago and I don't get the mails from my
old job anymore. I really should get a kde.org mail address so that I
have a public mail address that everyone knows about - I must get
round to doing that.

I don't mind answering emails you send to this address, the only
problem is that I don't think I've been much use with the above
replies. Instead it is better to send them to the kde-bindings at kde.org
mailing list because it is more likely that someone reading the list
might have experience of using the MonoDevelop debugger or whatever. I
hope you don't mind if I cc this reply to that list.

-- Richard

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