[Kde-bindings] Problem in QtRuby invoking slots with arg types that are typedefs

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Sun Apr 18 16:16:37 UTC 2010

On Monday 22 February 2010 18:48:01 Richard Dale wrote:
> On Monday 22 February 2010 05:05:08 pm Arno Rehn wrote:
> > or add another table or
> > field to smoke which links typedefs in signal/slot signatures to their
> > real type. The latter is probably better in terms of maintainability,
> > but it could require another BIC change, depending on how we do the
> > 'link'.
> Yes, maybe it would be nice to cater for typedefs properly but I don't
> think we can afford a BIC change at the moment.
Another idea just came to my mind: we could implement it similar to how 
ambigious methods are resolved:

We add another entry to the Smoke::TypeFlags enum, called tf_typedef. If this 
is set, Smoke::Type::classId will be negative and this negative index will 
point to another entry in the Smoke::types table (which will then be the 
resolved typedef).

The 'classId' label for the Smoke::Type field isn't ideal anymore, then. But 
it can be changed without breaking BC since the data structure stays the same. 
There aren't that many projects using smoke, so a SIC change can be afforded, 
I think.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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